Talk about Hi-Tec's V-Lite Fast Hike shoes: Slightly deviating form the simplicity of Hi-Tec shoe designs, Hi-Tec packed as much technology into this shoe as they can. Built like a tank, in its mid cut version, this is a great shoe for anything from day hikes to light and fast trekking. It has rubber rands in front to help protect you from trail debris. The fit is great! The shoe is coupled with a lacing system that snugs your feet in the shoes special form fitting insoles. When your hike will last for at least half a day, this is the shoe that won't get you screaming in pain after only a couple of hours of trekking. Unlike other trekking shoes, the Fasthike needs little on no breaking-in period (although I suggest you still break-in every shoe that you purchase, just to be on the happy and safe side).